Hello from Hendaye

I’m Roger from hendaye. I’m a new longboard rider and i’m trying to find some components to convert my loaded vanguard to a boosted!!!

I hope to interact with the forum im the near future.

Best regard and sorry to writte in english, I understand 'le français" but I cant write it for instance.


Welcome Roger ! Thanks for your presentation.

You will not convert your Vanguard to a Boosted… you will convert it to a Rocket !

Enjoy browsing the E-SK8.FR forum - you have now access to all the sections, even if the forum is in French, you’ll be able to find many builds and visual walkthrough :smiley:

Check this section with all the ESK8 riders awesome builds

Have fun!

Welcome !

I was just in hendaye Sunday
I would make a little video

Hi and welcome.

Bienvenido Roger ! Good Ride !