Inboard M1

sujet dédié à la inboard m1, je pensais que nous en avions déjà un :smiley:

ils sont en partenariat avec Hydroflex

Vivement qu’ils livrent pour avoir les reviews, ils ont l’air de très bien travailler et je pense que leur board prendra une bonne part du marché.

RFLX Remote

PowerShif Battery

Quelqu’un a testé la M1 ?
Ils sont sensé avoir livrée mais je ne trouve pas de review.

Tiens, un retour d’un redditer! … m1_review/
Hey guys, I received my Inboard M1 (one of the first 10 Kickstarter backers) last Monday and wanted to chime in with a quick review for people out there who are still on the fence. The only other e-board I’ve ridden is a Boosted Dual+.
TL;DR Buy this board if you’re interested in a Boosted alternative that offers a huge set of new features like swappable battery packs, hub motor with very little resistance, integrated lights, an even better remote, and (hopefully soon) higher top-speed. Stiff deck is a bonus for me as well.
REMOTE I’ll start with the remote. Both Boosted and Inboard use a similar remote with safety switch (engaged with pointer finger) and thumb toggle to control acceleration and braking. The thumb toggle on the Inboard remote is way bigger than the Boosted and feels extremely solid. There is ZERO play. I think this is hands-down the golden standard of remote design. Also being able to turn on the remote and board simultaneously is a nice feature. I have no concern over dropping this remote on concrete. It’s solid.
The tail on the remote is useless. I plan on removing mine, it’s more stealth that way, too.
THE BOARD Board design is incredible. Other companies have been integrating batteries into the board deck, but Inboard is leading the way with swappable packs. Deck lid for the battery compartment is easy to use and disappears once you get on your board. Swapping the battery in takes seconds <~10 seconds. Once you use this system, transitioning over to a Boosted swappable pack seems like a pain in the ass. Maybe it’s faster than it seems…
Grip tape is very coarse, it feels similar to Vicious. The top of the deck is completely covered as well. You’re not going to slip during a hard carve.
One feature that seems to be overlooked, is that this tail is totally functional! I can maneuver in tight spaces like sidewalks. You can do a 180 no problem if you have previous skating experience. It has come in handy a lot. This is one of my gripes with the Boosted board. I would still prefer an even larger tail, though.
WEIGHT Not sure about the exact board weight but it’s easy to carry and if you want to mall grab it, you can do that instead. The bottom of the board is super smooth matte material that feels great when you’ve got your fingers wrapped around it. Weight is evenly distributed so I found it much easier to carry than the Boosted.
BATTERY + PERFORMANCE Battery is lasting me around 6 miles. I’m 190lbs. Riding in Pro Mode. I can confirm top speed of 20mph. I’m looking forward to the firmware update to get that extra top end boost since 20mph can start to feel slow, especially on the straight-aways…
This board has consistent acceleration. Unlike belt driven systems, these hub motors are mellow. It’d be hard to get knocked off this thing. I always preferred a small kick push with the Boosted before gunning the throttle. With the M1, it’s unnecessary. Getting to top speed doesn’t take long at all and its totally smooth getting there. Very magic-carpet like. Let go of the throttle and enjoy cruising, re-apply throttle, rinse and repeat.
Only downside of this motor at this moment is the lack of torque uphills. I haven’t tested on anything too steep yet, but I know a Boosted will crush this deck if you’re going up and down the streets of San Francisco.
Braking is just as mellow as the acceleration. If you crank back the brakes, you won’t get tossed off if you brace yourself. Stops pretty quickly, but not on a dime… Because of the acceleration and braking are so dialed in, I would highly recommend this board to a first-time electric skateboard owner.
One thing about the hub motor coast that I didn’t think about when buying this board was that sometimes if I’m walking with friends, I won’t even turn the board on and I’ll push it around slowly so I don’t have to carry it. There is barely any motor resistance, so it’s super easy to push around.
The LED lights on this board are rad. They don’t help me see at all, but I know they make me way more visible on the road when I ride at night. Safety first!
Let me know if you have any other specific questions. I’ll do my best to answer.

J’aimerais bien en tester une… c’est beau un e-skate avec rien d’apparent (batterie / moteurs)

Okp tu n’as pas une inboard m1 en ce moment ? Ça envoie ?

:slight_smile: ouai dit nous tous, c’est ce deck que t’as eu plusieurs fois sous le pied sur insta ? :slight_smile: il a l’air bien finit en tous cas !
Le sextoy est confort en main ? :smiley:


Quelqu’un pour donner un avis sur cette planche ?

Elle vient de passer à 599$… On va peut être enfin avoir des retours

Intéressant à ce prix!
J’ai eu l’occasion de la tester deux soirées quand j’étais de passage sur Lyon il y a un an (ya un skate shop près de l’hôtel de ville qui la loue). Je précise qu’a l’époque j’avais très peu d’expérience en eskate, aucune protection, et j’avais laissé une importante caution, donc j’en menais pas large sur les quais… :roll:
Pour ceux qui accordent beaucoup d’importance à l’esthétique, la robustesse, et une batterie interchangeable, c’est une planche très intéressante. La batterie interchangeable est vraiment bien faite, c’est rapide, tu charges ta batterie directement dessus (avec un connecteur magnétique) donc si tu as deux batteries tu peux skater pendant que l’autre charge :sunglasses: , les gars ont très bien bossés la dessus, dommage que ca ne se généralise pas.
Les seules points négatifs que j’ai encore en tête sont une autonomie limitée si vous n’avez qu’une batterie, un couple un peu limite en cas de bonne montée, un deck hyper rigide, et l’éclairage de la planche impossible à arrêter si tu n’as pas un iphon (interrupteur uniquement via l’appli , et sur droïd ca marchait pas :? )
N’hésitez pas si vous avez des questions

les chinois meepo et compagnie on forcé pas mal de marques (du genre elwing) à baisser les prix pour être plus raisonnables et c’est plutôt cool !

la indoard était trop chère pour ce qu’elle propose.
prochaine étape les evolve GTX vendus a leur vrai prix : 890 € ???

Ça sent le sapin pour Inboard… Ils sont en liquidation, c’est bien dommage. Voir ce lien: